NYC mothering
Today Louis and I met up with friends to walk around the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I think he did pretty well considering he just turned a month old. He held it together for the walk over and while we waited for our friends to arrive. Unfortunately, they were late so by the time they met us, he had woken up, was wet and was very upset. I wavered between telling my friend (a new one actually, we were in the same birthing class and I happened to run into her this week at a breastfeeding support class) that we were going back home and powering through. I decided to stay and hang out a bit. I mean, babies cry. People need to get over it. So we went into a relatively empty exhibit to walk around. Eventually Louis settled down again and fell asleep for the rest of the time we were there.
What I found interesting though was how people are so judgmental about bringing your baby out in public. One of the ladies at the membership desk suggested that we shouldn't be out in public if our babies were going to fuss and we needed to find a quiet exhibit to walk in. And then one of the museum guards suggested that Louis was crying because I wasn't supporting his head enough in the carrier.
Thank you, old people strangers. I'm really glad that you've seemed to have forgotten what it's like to be cooped up inside a tiny apartment with an endlessly needy baby. I hope to make it there one day too.
What I found interesting though was how people are so judgmental about bringing your baby out in public. One of the ladies at the membership desk suggested that we shouldn't be out in public if our babies were going to fuss and we needed to find a quiet exhibit to walk in. And then one of the museum guards suggested that Louis was crying because I wasn't supporting his head enough in the carrier.
Thank you, old people strangers. I'm really glad that you've seemed to have forgotten what it's like to be cooped up inside a tiny apartment with an endlessly needy baby. I hope to make it there one day too.
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