I love our pediatrician

Because it seems like every time we come back from seeing her, parenting seems a little easier, or at least something that we are capable of doing relatively competently. There is something magical about hearing from a professional that you're not harming your child and he is thriving despite your not-knowing what to do. This motivates me to power through the emotional exhaustion, sore nipples, and sleep deprivation to try to decipher all the baby mysteries.

Anyway I've been reading on the Internet about getting baby on a sleep schedule. Our pediatrician said that our growing baby (now 9 lbs and 13 oz!) can give us 4 hours of sleep at time. Now I need to figure out to how to get him to do that at night. He seems to sleep more easily during the day - sometimes for as long as three hours. At night, he usually just has 2-hour spurts of sleep and lots of time in between for eating, changing, and fussing. We do get a 3-4 hour sleep stretch at some point in the middle of the night. This seems pretty normal, but I've read that we can start to put him on a better sleep schedule. I think he may still have his nights and days reversed. So I am trying to read his body's rhythms to see if I can anticipate his sleep needs and manipulate it to my own ends. We are learning more and more about each other every day.

Our sleeping angel


  1. That's exactly how all pediatricians should make parents feel!!!

    Just keep trusting yourself with reading his cues and you will figure each other out in no time!


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