What a difference a smile makes

I love mornings. This is Louis' most pleasant time of day. He wakes up, looks around, sees his mommy and daddy in bed next to him, and smiles. Heaven. He has to be the happiest baby in the world in those first couple hours of wakefulness.

The rest of the day he kind of cycles in and out of fussiness. I'm trying to figure out his daily rhythms. He usually sleeps for much of the morning, but once he wakes up from that morning nap, he fusses and resists sleep until we go to bed with him at night. Thankfully it's not full-blown cries all afternoon, but I'd like to figure out how to get him to settle down to rest in the afternoon. I asked our pediatrician about it, and her suggestions were pretty much what I already knew. I just have to figure out what works for him through trial and error. What? No secret solution to babies' crying was given to them in medical school or residency? haha. I guess that's my job as a mommy.

But everyone is right. It has gotten easier, or rather, it's different now, even only nearly 8 weeks later.


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