The trenches of baby mothering

Thank goodness for other people's mommy blogs (finding joy and Momastery). They let me peek inside another woman's motherhood, and I see that I'm not alone in the daily struggle and juggle. In fact, I am so very blessed to have such a sweet, healthy, and beautiful child. Not that it's easier because he smiles a lot. But I am grateful that we were given a child that is really just perfect for us. Chris and I have to work at being good parents, but complacency has no place in childrearing, or really in any kind of endeavor worth doing.

I think we are in the golden era of babyhood. When he plays, giggles, cuddles more and cries less, but is not yet mobile. He loves his cheeks being kissed and the funny faces and sounds that we make. He still eats all the time, but breastfeeding is so much easier now. He takes fairly regular naps, but we also get out of the apartment a lot and he doesn't (usually) have a meltdown if we miss a real nap. Bedtime is not quite a horrible ordeal. And I've been able to cook dinner and even bake a cake or two. Amazing!

Of course, things will change soon. He gets stronger every day. And probably the lack of sleep will catch up to me, especially once I start working again (just one day a week). But I am treasuring this little respite from the madness.


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