Out of Newborn Land

But Infant Land is a lot like Newborn Land, only less crying. Or rather, I sort of have an idea of what the crying is about and can sometimes even fix it. I'm not sure if his cries have changed and if I'm more attuned to its nuances, but it feels good to be able to respond appropriately to your child.

Lately, the cries have been about sleep. It's amazing how much he needs to sleep. He is turning into such a fun little guy that it's easy to ignore his need-to-sleep cues. You know, he can't possibly need to sleep again because he's smiling at me. But he quickly goes from smiling and cooing at you to protesting loudly that you have not yet put him down to sleep. If I try to push it off too long, then getting him to actually fall asleep becomes such a challenge. So I am ever vigilant for those telltale sleepy signs (the spaced-out stare, slight redness around the eyes) and then we swaddle and cuddle and coax and sometimes let him fuss himself to sleep. We try to be consistent in our approach, but in the end, we do what works that day.

I would say that Lou is probably an average baby sleeper. He's not that easy to put down, but he's not that hard either. And he wakes up a lot at night. But he's still so young. And as everyone says, as soon as we get used to one thing, he'll change things up on us.

He remains absolutely charming though. We have been able to read board books together, and he likes to chat while we read. Only vowel sounds so far, but he clearly has many things to say. He has found his hands and is discovering toys. He is starting to try to put everything in his mouth. Tummy time is not the most horrible thing in the world, and one of these days he'll figure out how to roll over. He can stand on his legs and sit up with support. His neck muscles are working overtime and keeps his head pretty steady. He's a solid kid, and I think he's really going to enjoy the world much more once he's figured out how to move his own body around.

It's hard to believe he's already come this far and hard to imagine that in a few months he might be crawling and he may even have consolidated his sleep into discrete nap times and bedtime. Whoa. I'm looking forward to those days, but I'm also relishing these cuddly days. He won't be this little for long so I kiss him and hug him and cuddle every chance I get.


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